Home Visit
Have you ever thought, “I would love to get a massage, but I do NOT even have the time to drive, park, go through the intake, and then get the massage!”?
Well, Massage: Delivered eliminates travel time and more importantly, travel WOES from your consideration. We come to you!
We provide:
Portable massage Table
Linens to cover the table and drape client
Warm blanket if desired
Music for relaxation
Lotion, oil, or gel to use during the massage session
Our amazing massage hands!
We bring all the equipment, set up where you would like to receive your massage session, and then we take it down when we leave. How easy is that?
What an incredible luxury to have someone come to your home and take your stress and muscular tension away. However, for some busy professionals or parents, it is not just a luxury but a practical decision. We have even had some couples with very young babies who take their sessions one after the other, so the person who is not receiving the massage can care for the baby. This is a loving way to take care of yourself and your partner!
Couples massage is another option - we can provide two therapists at the same time! Each session is customized per individual, so your massage is not necessarily “in unison” - you receive the style of massage best suited for your needs.
Having a family gathering - reuinions, parties, special events, weddings. Relieve familial tension before it even begins by having a series of massages scheduled for everyone! We can provide shorter chair massage sessions 10-15 minutes in length each, or 30-90 minute sessions on the table.